Is tomkh or someone else from Gdansk region going to Breakpoint 2007? If yes, then PLEASE take one friend of mine with you, will you? This someone is female, young, good-looking and speaks native german and a fair bit of polish.
Thanks, -eye
fantasio at
Re: Breakpoint 2007
I will be there this Year, to get the thing "with bubbles in it" from Tom. If Tom is there ...
Tom, will you be there ? If so, i'll will definitly meet you this time.
Greetings fanta
fantasio at
I just clicked on Tomkh's Profile and i suddenly saw that he was last online here on January, 25th 2k7.
I'll send him an email instead.
Tomkh at
Hi, I was really busy those days. Doing some scientific research (for my PhD).
As I already replied to Fanta and Nett I'm not going to Breakpoint 2007 this time.
Instead of BP 2007 I can only invite anyone to visit my seminar here: (24 March 2007, 14:30) Really sorry for telling you about it so late, I don't know if there is a way to get in without registering (and paying entrance fee), registration was before 3 March, I thought nobody will attend from this forum because it will be in all in Polish anyway. Although if you live somewhere in Eastern Poland (near Siedlce) and still want to see interesting seminar about growing monsters : ) I think they should nothing against few visitors for only 1 day... you should ask organizers through email though.