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Redneck Rampage Internet Multiplaying under DOSBox 0.72.
- I don't know this has been addressed yet. I have been toying with DOSBox 0.72 for some time and I had been reading and rereading the 'readme' (DOSBox) to be sure I get this right. Also, I have discovered the possible adjustment for those who had experienced 'stuttering' caused by video issue just read on.
Installations for Redneck Rampage and Redneck Rides Again!
1. If possilbe, my advice is to install folders REDNECK and RIDES into the C: directory as C:\REDNECK and C:\RIDES.
2. Click on DOSBox0.72-win32-installer to install DOSBox. Follow the instructions.
Again, my advice is to install it as C:\DOSBox-0.72 just for the easiness in locating some files.
For Normal Play:
1. Open the shortcut DOSBox 0.72 and wait for the second box to appear with the Z: at the
2. For Redneck Rampage, type the following:
mount c c:\redneck (Press Enter)
c: (Press Enter)
setup (Press Enter)
Sound Setup (Press Enter)
Choose Sound Blaster
Set the Current Address as 0x220 and Current Interrupt as 7 if necessary.
Once set, cursor Use These Settings and Continue... and press Enter. Keep all
settings as default: 8 (voices), 8 bit mixing (mixing bits), Stereo Sound (channels),
and 11 Khz (mixing rate).
Screen Setup (Press Enter)
Choose at least 640 x 480
Save and launch Redneck Rampage (Press Enter)
3. For Redneck Rides Again! , just follow the same instructions above (2.) but change:
mount c c:\rides (Press Enter)
If the video stutters the game then you will have to edit the REDNECK configuration manually to edit the Screen Mode. If you haven't, exit the game and DOSBox. Goto "My Computer" and locate C:\REDNECK or C:\RIDES---most likely, it will apply for both games so remember to change both. Choose one and locate REDNECK (the extension CFG). Right-click and choose 'Open With' for Notepad.
Scroll down the list to edit the ScreenMode. Enter any number (0,2,3,4,5,6, or 7) other than 1.
[Screen Setup]
; - Chained - 0
; - Vesa 2.0 - 1
; - Screen Buffered - 2
; - Tseng optimized - 3
; - Paradise optimized - 4
; - S3 optimized - 5
; - RedBlue Stereo - 7
; - Crystal Eyes - 6
;ScreenWidth passed to engine
;ScreenHeight passed to engine
ScreenMode = 1
ScreenWidth = 640
ScreenHeight = 480
Once the number has been entered, save it and exit. Try it again in DOSBox. Now hopefully, the game will play smoothly without the stuttering---the drawback, the video would be slightly 'blocky' since it would be much lower resolution.
For Internet Play:
Locate C:\DOSBox-0.72 under 'My Computer'. Right-click dosbox (the extension CONF) and choose 'Open With' for Notepad. Scroll down toward the end and change 'false' to 'true' here:
# ipx -- Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.
Save it and exit.
After opening the shortcut DOSBox 0.72, the host server will type "ipxnet startserver" (without quotes).
Then the client will open the shortcut DOSBox 0.72 and type "ipxnet connect <ip address>" (without quotes).
For additional details about the IPXNET fuction for DOSBox, read the README under the C:\DOSBox-0.72 directory.
Now mount for either game (See For Normal Play: above for complete details) and type "setup" (without quotes) and press Enter.
Select Network Game
Change Player Name (if necessary)
Change Number of Players (up to 8 players!!)
And finally select Launch Redneck Rampage and you're off!! Re: Redneck Rampage Internet Multiplaying under DOSBox 0.72. ;) To ProAsm,
I have tried it on my old computer. Unfortunately, when I transferred the full version of Redneck to the folder, the graphic still 'stutters' like it using the Vesa 2.0 mode. I have tried many settings, including the NOLFB entry and such.. :( My old computer has the ATI All-In-Wonder 9600 card. My brothers' computers are also old as well.. They don't have the recent video cards. However, it works as a breeze on my new built computer which has the NVIDIA GeoForce 9300 card.
Also, I don't see the ability to setup Internet Multiplaying for RRSetup. Do you have that function enabled yet?
That's why I had brought up these instructions for those who have not update their computers yet...
Thanks anyway for those files. :) - Is it what I thik it is? If so, you should not put it here since it's a copyrighted program.
- No, it's his front-end for Redneck Rampage. Not the official game/files.
more info: - The main GRP files are all shareware and need to be replaced with the GRP files from the CD.
The rest is available anywhere and is mainly a frontend using DosBox etc.