I created this not expecting much. But, I will spread it around the web so that all how want the blood release can feel that they are doing so mething towards it. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Release-The-Blood-Source-Code/107256169300914?
Edited by Awesoken at
ConsistentCallsign at
Re: Blood Source ON Facebook
Misleading thread title, you deserve a ban :P
Blood is obsolete. You need to move on and let it go already!ยง >:( >:(
Jinroh at
Re: (yet another) Blood Source (release campaign) ON Facebook
If they're still alive and kicking the Blood Duke 3D TCs should get some more punch out of them now that Polymer supports Native ROR. Petition to Dimebog and that other guy who's doing one instead. You'll have more luck.
If all else fails you have two options:
1. Go play Blood on DosBox. 2. Go Play ZBlood a good enough for me facsimile.
I happen to enjoy both. ^^ http://numerometria.com/doom/ZB_006.jpg
Edited by Jinroh at
Maren at
Whoever owns the source right now simply won't care unless there's a penny to be made. How about trying to get a deal for the right to use the source code while keeping it closed like they used to back when the engine was still commercially relevant? they won't release it because, as I understand it, they would expose themselves to lawsuits from other people involved with certain (and apparently essential) parts of the engine/game. But if you can develop a Win32 port for it and keep the source to yourself, where's the problem? well, other than the money, can't think of any.