Bardzo podoba mi sie to co robisz [gry,programy itp], i z tym jest zwiazane moje pytanie,
jak zaczoles ? w jakim wieku ? jakie kasiazki polecasz ? gdzie wg Ciebie mozna szukac zrodel wiedzy na ten temat? jak sie tego uczyc ??
Wielkie sorry ze nie napisalem po angielsku ale wtedy nie wiedzialbys o co chodzi.
Tomkh at
For readers that does not understand polish language:
to put it short, nowator basically asked "how I started programming and what books, resources, learning techniques I recommend for the beginners".
So here is the answer...
It might be surprising, but I actually started by copying and modifying other people code (at the age of 9 years old maybe). In the begining I had no programming books at all, and I was just rewriting some short code fragments from computer magazines (like "Bajtek" which is polish equivalent to international "Byte" magazine I guess), then modyfing it to get sligthly different results.
After a while I was able to write my own little programs, some simple games and tools, everything using zx-spectrum built-in Basic. After I got my first PC I started to program in gw-basic (included in DOS 3.0) , since I knew basic from zx-spectrum, but soon I realized gw-basic is so slow and pathetic that there must be something better that allows to make "real stuff". I quickly learned Pascal (from very simple book, basically explaining the syntax), but the biggest revolution was discovery of machine-level assembly language (using "asm" keyword in Pascal). I was so excited that I can finally make everything that other guys do (like colorful VGA games with sprites that actually works in real-time). We started to write our own simple sprite compression methods with my bro (basically it was just RLE to avoid transparency check for every pixel), our own libraries and tools for making 2d games, then figured out service interrupts and "mode 13h" (previously I was using "svga256.bgi"), and a way to write your own interrupt handlers (for keyboard, mouse, TSR :) ) ... Then everything has changed because it was the begining of the Internet (at least in Poland, the year 1995), I started to collect massive amounts of documentations, discmags, source codes (,, - I think they are already legendary resources, I remember Z3D was a pretty good tutorial), and soon I found myself writing my own 3d engine (yeah, everyone was already doing it at the time).
About books: I don't read them very carefully, usually just after seeing some illustration of an idea I can figure out the solution/code myself, but the most notable positions was: "famous" Cormen/Rivest/etc.. book about algorithms (Wprowadzenie do algorytm