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Shadow Warrior for mobilephones!
- hey,
I'm working on Shadow Warrrior for mobilephones! And I thought some of you buildgame
fans could help me. I've got an new website : and I post new
things about the game (such as screenshots) on it. But I also ask a lot of questions and I
love to hear your ideas/views on the game. So please read the blog and post your
ideas/views on the forum, so I can turn Shadow Warrior into a great mobile game!
Thanks for your time,
Hugo - The idea of playing games in a mobile is retarded but I'm looking foward to your project because the screenies look nice, I'm curious and SW is my fave build game.
- why is it retarted ? it plays quite nicely.
- He probably just thinks gaming should be left to consoles/PCs or handheld devices specifically designed for gaming.
- Retarded can means something along the lines of "lagging behind", and gaming on the mobile phone is obviously lagging behind to gaming on the PC and consoles, so it isn't even an insult, although I suspect it was meant to be. :)
Due to the lagging behind mobile games are relatively... simple.
This project is looking interesting though.
I only have an old phone for work, so I won't be playing it. :(