JonoF's Games and Stuff

JFShadowWarrior Documentation


System Requirements

At minimum, you need:

Additionally, these platforms and architectures are supported when building from source code:

Source code can be found in this Git repository along with build instructions.

Installation and Setup

After unzipping the JFShadowWarrior package somewhere on your computer, run the main executable: on macOS, sw.exe on Windows. You ought to see the startup window open at the Game tab.

Startup window showing the Game tab

Windows, Linux and BSD have similar startup windows with the same options.

You will now need to import the game data from a commercial release or the shareware version of Shadow Warrior as the game will not work without it.

  1. Click the "Choose a location..." button, then navigate to a location where Shadow Warrior data can be found.
  2. Choose a folder and JFShadowWarrior will then scan the location you've selected, copying any compatible game data it finds.

Where game data files are stored by JFShadowWarrior depends on the operating system you are using:

Below are known locations of Shadow Warrior game data for various sources:

MS DOS Registered version CD-ROM
In the SWINST directory of the disc.
Classic Redux from GOG on macOS
To be determined.
Classic Redux from Steam on macOS
In Steam, go to Shadow Warrior Classic Redux, open the 'gear' menu, choose Manage > Browse local files. Make note of this location to use for importing.
Classic Redux from Humble
To be determined.
Classic Complete from on macOS
In GOG Galaxy 2, go to Shadow Warrior Classic Complete, open the 'options' menu (beside Play), choose Manage installation > Show folder. Make note of this location to use for importing.
Classic (1997) from Steam on macOS
In Steam, go to Shadow Warrior Classic (1997), open the 'gear' menu, choose Manage > Browse local files. Make note of this location to use for importing.
MS DOS Shareware version

If you have downloaded an original 3D Realms distribution file named 3DSW12.ZIP:

  1. Unzip 3DSW12.ZIP to obtain the SWSW12.SHR file.
  2. Rename SWSW12.SHR to SWSW12.ZIP, then unzip it.

CD Music

Music from the retail Shadow Warrior CD can be ripped and encoded to Ogg Vorbis format files, and JFShadowWarrior can play those files in place of having the original game CD in the system CD drive. Each track should be named trackNN.ogg, NN being the track number 0-padded to two digits, and placed beside the sw.grp file in the game data location mentioned above.

"Portable" Installation

Typically the game will store its configuration information and saved games in a private location for your user account:

To have the game instead store these files in the working directory where the game was started, create an empty file named user_profiles_disabled (no extension) beside the executable. You can put the sw.grp file in the same location, thus making everything self-contained and 'portable'.


Multiplayer games can be started from the startup window, or for more specialised situations, with command-line parameters passed to the game.

From the startup window, one player should choose "Host multi-player game" and select the number of players, then press Start to begin waiting. The other players should choose "Join multi-player game" and enter the hostname or IP address of the system hosting the game, and then press Start. The game will proceed once all players are joined.

Startup window showing the Configuration tab

Windows, Linux and BSD have similar startup windows with the same options.

The game communicates on UDP port 23513 by default, so if you intend to play across the Internet you may need to forward that port through relevant firewalls of the system hosting the game.

Command-line launching

The general command line syntax to use on each platform is:

Multiplayer games can use either of two communication modes: hosted (a.k.a. master/slave mode) and peer-to-peer. Peer-to-peer is more difficult to use over the Internet and more troublesome to correctly configure. In all modes you must know the exact number of players as the game will not start until all players are present.

Hosted (master/slave) mode

Choose a system to be the host of the game, and each other player will connect to that host.

The "net options" for this mode are:

For example, a three-player hosted game is launched like so:

  1. (Player 1, hosts) sw -name Player1 -net -nm:3
  2. (Player 2, joins) sw -name Player2 -net -nm host1
  3. (Player 3, joins) sw -name Player3 -net -nm host1

Peer-to-peer mode

In this mode each player sends data to each other player in the game directly, which is only really practical in non-firewalled LAN-like environments. The list of peers specified on the command line must be consistently ordered amongst all players, and each peer will launch the game with slightly different options.

The "net options" for this mode are:

For example, a three-player peer-to-peer game is launched like so:

  1. (Player 1) sw -name Player1 -net -np . host2 host3
  2. (Player 2) sw -name Player2 -net -np host1 . host3
  3. (Player 3) sw -name Player3 -net -np host1 host2 .

Customisation File Format

Historically, modifications and total conversions for Shadow Warrior have been required to hack a copy of the game executable to replace the names of maps and the episode title information. JFShadowWarrior introduces a customisation script file that is loaded on startup to achieve the same end.

The customisation file should be named swcustom.txt and its contents may consist of the directives below. Comments can be used by prefixing the text with a // (C++ style), or surrounding the text with /* (comment here) */ (C style).

map number { ... }
level number { ... }
Selects the map to change the information of. number is a value in the range of 1 to 29. Levels 1 to 4 are the shareware maps. level is a synonym for map. The brace-enclosed block may contain these directives:
title title
name title
description title
Sets the new title of the level to title. name and description are synonyms for title.
filename filename
file filename
fn filename
levelname filename
Sets the new map file name to filename. file, fn, and levelname are synonyms for filename.
song filename
music filename
songname filename
Sets the new MIDI file name to filename. music and songname are synonyms for song.
cdatrack tracknum
cdtrack tracknum
Sets the Red-Book CD track number to tracknum. cdtrack is a synonym for cdatrack.
besttime seconds
partime seconds
Sets the "best" and "par" times of the level respectively. seconds is the new par time given as a count of seconds.
episode number { ... }
Selects the episode to change the information of. number is a value in the range of 1 to 2. The brace-enclosed block may contain these directives:
title title
name title
description title
Sets the new title of the episode to title. name and description are synonyms for title.
subtitle subtitle
Sets the new subtitle of the episode to subtitle.
skill number { ... }
Selects the skill level to change the information of. number is a value in the range of 1 to 4. The brace-enclosed block may contain this directive:
title title
name title
description title
Sets the new title of the skill level to title. name and description are synonyms for title.
inventory number { ... }

Selects the inventory item to change the information of. number is either a symbol or number from this table. It is recommended that the symbolic names be used rather than the numeric codes.

Symbol number Inventory item
INV_ARMOR 1 Conventional armour vest
INV_KEVLAR 2 Kevlar armour vest
INV_SM_MEDKIT 3 Pickup medkit
INV_FORTUNE 4 Fortune cookie
INV_MEDKIT 5 Portable medkit
INV_GAS_BOMB 6 Gas bomb
INV_FLASH_BOMB 7 Flash bomb
INV_NIGHT_VIS 9 Night vision goggles
INV_REPAIR_KIT 10 Repair kit
INV_SMOKE_BOMB 11 Smoke bomb

The brace-enclosed block may contain these directives:

title title
name title
description title
Sets the new name of the inventory item to title. name and description are synonyms for title.
amount amount
Sets the quantity of the item that will be added to the player's inventory.
weapon number { ... }

Selects the weapon to change the information of. number is either a symbol or number from this table. It is recommended that the symbolic names be used rather than the numeric codes.

Symbol number Weapon name Customisable properties (see note 1)
WPN_FIST 1 Fists damage
WPN_SWORD 2 Sword damage
WPN_SHURIKEN 3 Shurikens weapon name and pickup, damage
WPN_STICKYBOMB 4 Sticky bombs weapon name and pickup, damage
WPN_UZI 5 Uzi submachine gun weapon/ammo name and pickup, damage
WPN_MISSILE 6 Rocket launcher weapon/ammo name and pickup, damage
WPN_NUKE 7 Nuclear warhead, heat seeker card (see note 2) weapon/ammo name and pickup, damage
WPN_GRENADE 8 Grenade launcher weapon/ammo name and pickup, damage
WPN_RAILGUN 9 Rail gun weapon/ammo name and pickup, damage
WPN_SHOTGUN 10 Riot gun weapon/ammo name and pickup, damage
WPN_HOTHEAD 11 Guardian head weapon name and pickup, damage
WPN_HEART 12 Ripper heart weapon name and pickup, damage
WPN_HOTHEAD_NAPALM 13 Guardian head napalm (secondary attack) damage
WPN_HOTHEAD_RING 14 Guardian head ring (tertiary attack) damage

Note 1: Only some properties of particular weapons can be changed. Changing other properties not mentioned in the table will have no effect.

Note 2: The heat seeker card name and pickup amount is stored as the ammunition information of the nuclear warhead.

The brace-enclosed block may contain these directives:

title title
name title
description title
Sets the new name of the weapon to title. name and description are synonyms for title.
ammoname name
Sets the new name of the ammunition for the weapon to name.
maxammo amount
Sets the maximum amount of ammunition that can be carried for the weapon to amount.
mindamage min
maxdamage max
Sets the minimum and/or maximum damage factors for the weapon to min and max respectively.
pickup amount
Sets the amount of ammunition to be added when picking up ammunition for the weapon to amount.
weaponpickup amount
Sets the amount of ammunition to be added when picking up the weapon to amount.

Here is a fictitious example:

level 1 {
    title    "My Neat Map"
    filename ""
    song     "coolsong.mid"
    cdatrack 4
    besttime 1800    // half an hour
    partime  3600    // an hour

episode 1 {
    title    "My Neat Episode"
    subtitle "One level of lameness"

skill 1 {
    title  "Don't hurt me"

inventory INV_ARMOR {
    name   "Chain mail"
    amount 25

weapon WPN_UZI {
    name      "Pea shooter"
    ammoname  "Pebbles"
    maxammo   500
    mindamage 1
    maxdamage 2
    pickup    100
    weaponpickup 25

Console Commands

This is a list of more useful console commands and settings and their purpose:

Clear the console.
Displays some information about the OpenGL driver. Use "glinfo exts" to display supported OpenGL extensions.
glmultisample samples
Enable OpenGL multisample antialiasing. 0 disables it, 1 and higher enable. You need to use "restartvid" to apply any changes to this value.
gltextureanisotropy level
Sets the OpenGL anisotropic filtering level. The default is the highest level supported by the hardware.
gltexturemode mode-number

Sets the OpenGL texturing mode. Valid values are:

mode-number Mode
4 GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR (gives an unfiltered appearance like the original software renderer)
5 GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (trilinear, the default)
glusetexcompr 0|1
Enables or disables the use of OpenGL texture compression for replacement textures. You need to use "restartvid" to apply any changes to this value.
help symbol-name
Displays a help message for a particular console variable or command.
Displays the names of all commands and variables available in the console.
novoxmips 0|1
Disables or enables the use of voxel mipmaps to improve voxel visual quality.
osdrows num
Sets the number of visible lines of the console when it is open.
Reinitialise video to apply settings changes.
screencaptureformat 0|1
0 = Targa, 1 = PCX
usegoodalpha 0|1
If 1, a lower alpha cutoff value is used when rendering textures with transparency, which gives better looking transparent textures at the expense of some sprites behind the transparent item potentially being invisible in certain circumstances. 0 is a more compatible value (and is the default) for this option but slight visual degradation will result.
vidmode bpp
vidmode xdim ydim [bpp [fs]]
Change the video mode. xdim ydim are the resolution. bpp is the colour depth (8, 16, 24, 32). fs is 0 for windowed, 1 for fullscreen.

Artistic Credits

Game icon, and editor and game startup banners
By Jonathon Fowler. The yin-yang symbol that forms the basis of the icon was originally by Multimotyl and was sourced from
Editor icon
By Jonathon Fowler. The LCD display that forms the basis of the icon was originally by Sergio Luiz Araujo Silva and was sourced from


JFShadowWarrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

The JFBuild engine used in JFShadowWarrior is used under the terms of the BUILD Source Code License.