JonoF's Games and Stuff

Forum archive

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hires Tex Pack 10.1 by Zimmo
Duke keeps shooting, even when i dont push a button. by M3zz
Hi, and BUILD question. by Fernando
Model packs? by Rider
Will there ever be a MAC Port? by duloque
Shadow Warrior by Ernest
Will there be coop support? by apa
Updates to Winbuild? by SonicFreak
SonicFreak by Anonymous
High-res texture pack (Revision 10.1) by schloepfi
can't launch the game.. game.con missing......... by yvaan
mouse aiming disabled? by apa
Multiplayer Code proress... by Fernando
Open Gl problems by jojo
duke 3d music by wang
Sector over sector support. by ChEeZeBaLL
omg it's awesome!! by Sn3b
Multiplayer Code Question by Nxskingdom
Nasty little bug with transparent surfaces by Rider
Build Textures by ChEeZeBaLL
Duke speed by Spem
I have for link!!! by Abuk One
Mirrors on JFDuke 20041013 /w fix by TzOk
Question by )))000(((
3d models - bugs, opinions... by Zebius
Blake Stone Port (Request/Opinions) by Da_maniaC
A Question by Nite_m4re
Using plutonium pack? by Matt
kenbuild build "in-box" fx features vs. Shadow war by WhiteLyon
update winbuild 12/10/04 by sonicfreak
Hi-res textures mixing up pickup art by Anonymous
build help maps (, and where to find them by Anonymous
How to re-pack Stuff.DAT , with high res textures?? by WhiteLyon
midi music bug by Spawned
Problems with mouse by Rogue
Command & Conquer TC Reborn? by The Commander
How to compile JOnof by ivanrolim
Is this problem with sprites the same as Zbuffer? by ivanrolim
Serious JFDuke3D Bug! by Fernando
Command & Conquer TC Website Gone! by The Commander
Establishing the game by Drazzy
Walking Con Wanted by Diatonica Dracona
sound by komando
console cheats? by signal9
can't load custom maps. by Anonymous
Screen Goes Grey by Dying Fetus
DN Atomic by Jeff
Startup Problem(s) by Tekno Whorror
Game crashes out with memory write error... by Xorcist
Steroid Bug by Kent_Diego
C&C TC Chrashes on this Port....... Damn it all by The Commander
Modeling???? by The Commander
Any word on networking/multiplayer? by Xorcist
Map Hack Problems by Agent ME
Build 3D mode problem by Duker
What is Groudraw? by Roma Loom
3d glasses mode! For real! by Agent ME
Problems (new to this) by qbertsoul
3d models help! by duker
lookup .dat by dogggy
Waiting for up date... by The Commander
FOV by someone
no sound under linux by julien
AHA I VE FOUND A BUGGA!!!! by )))000(((
Halife Controls by Phear Chyld
game.con by super
Mouse Look not available by KyroMaster
error by aolex
openGL problem.. help me plz :) by SilentWalker
Loading .GRP File by Kent_dieGo
Merry Christams everyone! by Phear Chyld
Weird bug and weird colors by Geoffrey
Question Build by Anonymous
game running very by Nickzx
Multiplayer: Network players playing with Internet players by ZuljinRaynor


Build Question by Ding Bat
suggestion by Yankovic
QUERY: i BEEN living under a rock for the past 5 years by kevingpo
ETA on multiplayer component? =) by Anonymous
JFDuke3d crashes to desktop by qaz
A multiplayer question (not 'when will it be finished..?')! by P-J
Internet support, dedicated server ? by Titan_66
JFDuke3D Linux compilation by krok
This just in: I own a decent joypad now by JonoF
Models by Phear Chyld
a bug? + a poll by Stanton
Space Map Chrash Bug? by The Commander
how do i get the 3D modles to work in jfduke3d by joker
Cant assign LEFT CTRL as crouch? by HonoredShadow
A way to change brightness? by HonoredShadow
Here is a convienient idea for you by maniac1701
Compiling the engine by maniac1701
Converting Models by The Commander
Build crash problems... by Sobbsy
BUILD & DOOM technology comparison by etko
Doom maps in duke by maniac1701
Trains and Rockets by Sobbsy
Freeduke? by CheapAlert
.ZIP link??? by The Commander
point problem -build by Apdos
Dynamic (Dynamic?) Skyboxes? by Quakis
Problems with moving by rolandajoynt
enhanced music? by legends2005
BUILD... for dummies? by )))000(((
Bots? by Trance
New stuff as of 16 February 2005 by JonoF
<no subject> by duckie
Problem with latest release by ProAsm
o_O by Trance
JFDuke3d: ZIP support broken? by dennisj1
Questions: Other BUILD games and Demo Playback by CannibalBob
Nvidia 6600GT game freezes by piterplus
old bug in new rerease by mean_person
Out Of sync by kengetz
Port Wont Work On High Spec Comp by The Commander
Noob Compiling by etko
Problem after updating to new build by NickCel1
A few multiplayer problems with the new beta version. by crrimson
Crerating the DUKE3D.exe from Source code to Atomic Edition by DukeFanBR
I have a problem with WinBuild by Adraz
lag on the new network code by Tom
parameters are skipped + correction of the source by AlgorithMan
How to play Add-ons and user levels by johnnybbad666
Updated net test released by JonoF
Palette used in Duke Nukem 3D by PSyKoTiKGaNg$Ta
(moved) Getting back into mapping... by NickCel1
PS Duke Nukem Maps??? by The Commander
bug by PSyKoTiKGaNg$Ta
latest build crashes out by Black_Knight
Starting a LAN game via command line by paincakes
Network Cooperative Games by BAKO
Installing from scratch, I have the CD's what now? by Bennybone
Out of sync in netplay by PN
first questions by BLOODY_SABBATH
Problem with keyboard playing by Reg
Wierd bug by ProAsm
Possible CustomMaps on lan? by manson
Helpful site/sources? by DunnoS
Full screen build, please by geko
Some Problems:Minimap and Mousewheel by CannibalBob
Problems with video in duke3d port...hall of mirrors effect by decay
duke nukem 3d atomic edition by bobo
sync error with a twist ??!!!?? by |GT|R
Limiting Explosive Range? by Sobbsy
Skybox problem by William Gee
duke nukem 3d online by bobo
prefix sufix incrementer by BarrenSoul
memory problem by crow69
What about the Mod "Ages in Time" by TylerDurden
Fatal Signal caught: SIGSEGV. Bailing out. by Xorcist
Odd out of sync error... by ruler26
Compiling JFBuild, JFDuke and JFSetup by martin_howe
maps question by crow69
Out of Sync Problems by nicknax
Joystick and gamepad problem - JF duke wont start by och
Duke Nukem players on KALI. by Precise1
"Failed to load TABLES.DAT!" by iikori
Building JFDuke3D under Linux? by Comreak
...what do you wanna see... by )))000(((
Improvements for JFDuke ;-) by TylerDurden
Yet another Q regarding build... by Sobbsy
Works by Sobbsy
dukesterx joining a server problem. by Crow
Addon trouble by sentenced
JFBuild 3D Mode problem by Outrune
Next Version JFDUKE3D by dewisant05
JFShadowWarrior by JonoF
A report on JFDuke3D LAN play. by -Jk-
A couple of jfSW bugs by CheapAlert
moving sectors to another map by dickwad726
Linux Sound Problems by EmptyDoor
Duke 3D .MP3 .OGG by dewisant05
kaillera - Online Duke by dewisant05
Polymost problem in both Duke and SW by Lazureus
Unplayable Port Screenshot Inside by FadeToBlack
Bug Reports by aaBlueDragon
Approaching Build limit, crashes in game by Captin Cat
IDEA: converting D3D levels into true BSP trees... by kevingpo
Query on build by kevingpo
The different Builds.. confused.. by kevingpo
TAB key map mode? Gone? by kevingpo
QUERY: Cli/Srv Duke3D cross-port compatible by kevingpo
TEST: Duke3D Game Server Online by kevingpo
Transparency and glusetexcompr bugs? by Jam.Sauce
Odd Keyboard bug JFDuke & JFSW by drav
Missing tables.dat file with JBuild? by kevingpo
HELP: inner workings of src code by kevingpo
JFDuke Window Buggy by Ding Bat
Pigcops disspeared by Ffelagund
Shadow warrior build problems... by Minion
Corrupted game map by Rexehdrol
Something dumb... by jbadll
Configuring the mouse aim?! by Victor
I'd like to contribute, but I've been banned fom 3DR forums by Devil Master
looking up and down bug in duke by ben
JFDuke bugs in stereoscopic 3D by Devil Master
DewiSants bug finds :-) by dewisant05
JFSW Mouse Aim.. THE Solution by phen
Duke3D's my favourite FPS. What of you? by CannibalBob
JFDuke crash with read error in user map by qaz
Two questions about the hi-res pack by Devil Master
Sound FX Project for Duke3D by dewisant05
Shadow Warrior - multiplayer attempt.... by scumbag
Petition to release blood source code by scumbag
JFduke on Lan by Silver_Eagle
High Resolution Pack LIGHT - CROSSHAIR ON by BAKO
-name? Easy solution! by Poolkick
Three Questions by SvenStueck
Sector Floor by etko
High Resolution Sound Pack V0.01 by dewisant05
it has been asked before but i still dont get it running MP by Schallmauer
JF SHadow Warrior bugs, post'em here! by hawkeyefile
High-pitched squealing noise in polymost by Tea Biscuit
JFshadowWarrior > Problems by Ben_Nukem
compiling jfsw in watcom errors by hawkeyefile
Post your Jonof requests! :) by Sang
sword sound by hawkeyefile
About the music and sound high resolutions packs by wqhunter
MD3 model support by 3D Master
Why not as DN? by Ben_Nukem
Getting close to a release? by Sgt.Phobos
Shadow Warrior High resoultion Pack by Sgt.Phobos
Shadow Warrior, better sounds by hawkeyefile
randomness in sw by hawkeyefile
Has anyone got mouselook working properly in JFSW? by cdeathjd
crosshair not showing up in high res pack for duke3d by hawkeyefile
SW CD Audio by hawkeyefile
leanign in jfduek and sw by hawkeyefile
jfduke display bug by qaz
jfduke jfsw and build other languages by hawkeyefile
Mouse in JFSW by Myg
JonoF, Please add a directory for my sound project !!! by dewisant05
How to play usermaps with jwshadow warrior? by Sgt.Phobos
Is there an Editart for XP? by duke250
numpad while in BUILD by anteye
duke build undo by qaz
Resetting model animations when using HUD models? by Renegado
JFSW Grfx bug by Mudshark70
An old friend... by Overlord
SW: Win XP Pro - only setup launches, SW exe N/W by PatW
edit keys in build editor? by anteye
problem with BUILD from jono by zappyisfun
Map Editor Tutorial for SW? by Revenant
Question of copyright on sounds - Help me !!! by dewisant05
Reply to TX - Thanks very much by dewisant05
Music Volume? by Da_maniaC
Yet another JfDuke Build related question... by Sobbsy
Trying to make my own JFBuild-based game... by Kyoufu Kawa
Status update for 2005-05-22 by JonoF
JFSW problem with Win2K; cannot even start game! by HBCyBeR
i cant get duke to go on line any one help? by kyle
The Mouse is Unresponsive - Make it More Responsive? by Baddle Axe
Using High-Res-Textures in JF Build by Roi de Janeiro
Research for jfduke3d by Ben_Nukem
some installer, input and configuration little ideas.. by Gucek
JF{SW,Duke3D,Build} update 2005-05-31 by JonoF
music doesnt work... by Devon_Rex
Duke/SW and few questions... by flaht
Glitch in JFSW by Maren
How to compile it?! by flaht
No midi music in JFDuke (20050531 build) by Comreak
JFSW Crashed by Maren
Whats the difference between SW and D3D? by flaht
Do anyone else get this problem? by RioTLoRD
JFDuke3D: Enemies come back to life? by Comreak
converting shadow warrior maps to work with duke3d.. by RioTLoRD
Bug with coop by dukeplayer
Swcustom.txt by ProAsm
midi music in sw ? by Devon_Rex
Error in Sound-Patch for Unix by wasted
Mouse "Scroll Wheel" issue with 05/31/2005 SW Upda by Xorcist
Getting Quake-Like Mouselook in jfDuke3D by KyroMaster
Twin Dragon addon for SW by Maren
Irc Chat Room by noxious
Broken map view by Maren
Yet another JFSW HOM by Maren
network game by DUI
shadow warrior by noxious
Overriding the default port does not work !? by Cobane
Additional SW Maps for download by gerwin
me and my freind cant play on jono by zappyisfun
Compiling, binaries, and textures by WolfCub
Multiplayer online noob question by ivsft
Can by MaxSchmerzlich04
Duke3D: user.con / custom built episodes by GeekDog
Multiplayer hanging at "Waiting for Players..." by duckdown
A faster way to multiplay! by Smith84
Can't get cd audio to work by Mchart
TCP/IP or IPX/SPX by Phear Chyld
Problem w/Intel 82915G Video Card by poortom
"Failed loading art" by Mani
Duke 3D PSP Port by cyberman_sa
duke3d multiplayer by megaman951
i'm having a problem in Jfduke3d. by DuduCrazy
NAM / WW2 GI? by CheapAlert
JFDuke3D Graphics Problem by Hendricks 266
Mouse and joystick at the same time by BadLife
running TCs by Makoto
JFD3D problem, tripmine beam not displayed by ThaddeusW
Where I can get Hi-Res Textures & MD2 Models for JFD3D? by MaLIce
is there a JfD3d md2 viewer? by DuduCrazy
JFDuke3d / JFBuild Question by Racing Sikh
JF Duke 3D - Graphic mistakes - Voodoo 3 by ///M-Power
The state of the commonwealth, 21 July 2005 by JonoF
Duke3d multiplayer via ADSL by mic
(FEATURE) Multiple RTS at the same time during multiplayer by ivanrolim
Duke3D software render? by RA
Model Problems... by Vouksh
Some Problems with Duke port etc by MudSucker
.CON Files by Hendricks 266
Attention Voodoo 2 owners by JonoF
Trouble compiling by CryptDragoon
Anyone up for a game? by Nok
LOOKUP.DAT HELP ME by popdog34
how to use ogg files in JFduke. by DuduCrazy
Best Duke3D port... by bkf1
HELP NEED Game DATA by brow
Fullscreen not working with Radeon & Win 98SE by David_OSU
jfduke3D on GNU/Linux Debian no sounds, no videos, ... by YuGiOhJCJ
Free look in SW by Ata
Animation interpolation? by Zilppuri
Lost Duke episodes by GeekDog
I still dont' see Polymost model in game yet by xoltrix2000
Saves Disappear? by MalakReborn
JFsw doesn't work ERROR: TABLES.DAT by YuGiOhJCJ
JFduke3d: Can't destroy enemies' body by YuGiOhJCJ
Editart trouble by Mathius
ydimgame fuckups by Kyoufu Kawa
*Sound patch for Linux* (updated for 20051009) by Mephisto
jfduke/build - sector copy causes crash, and other problems by ziglander
Ghost players and enemy guns by Kyoufu Kawa
Shadow Warrior next release? by scumbag
Playing SW user maps with jSW and other stupid questions by Diatonica
Any word on an update? by Xorcist
Usegoodalpha = 1 by Skeksis
bug in JFDuke3d! by DuduCrazy
JFDuke modeling problem (custom model doesn't display) by HelixhornedGoat
Multiplayer Code fo JFDuke3D by TheSameAlways
free shadow warrior expansion pack released! by unreal13
Crackly sound by Stimp
Multiplayer in internet with JFDuke3d by zum
how does it work ? help wanted by memsys
Duke Build problem. by Genjuro Kibagami
JFDuke3d and the Mouse Wheel by YuGiOhJCJ
SSIunpacker by Ding Bat
Super noob question by YoyoRockStar
OPL2/3 FM synth emulation by CheapAlert
starting redneck rampage recreation help wanted by plugwash
CD Audio: Shadow Warrior by UNIT_ZERO
About current status of JFSW by Maren
very odd[sort of] by memsys
Updated: Can't compile (Ubuntu Linux) >> IT WORKS!!!!! by dolny
Visual c++ project files by Eltrollo
Nevermind :) by Spike
Shock horror! A new release! by JonoF
peer-to-peer shadow warrior by RioTLoRD
mouse grab on linux... (and some other things) by Mephisto
Logitech Rumblepad profile by valnar
Usermaps in multiplayer game by gungunsen
changing FOV !? by arneweise
bugs in shadow warrior... by megaman951
Who wants some Wang?! by SamSwashbuckler
AirTrans Arena wang bang map by opcode
Shadow Warrior - MultiPlayer Gathering Locations by dro
How start a map on JFsw... by Ben_Nukem
Widescreen (FOV, Aspect, Custom Resolution) by IonYz
Starting a Lan Game by Aboutblank
Nam (GT Interactive) works on jDuke :D by Genjuro Kibagami
duke3d penthouse level by buvk
Duke Carribean and Duke it out in DC in JFDuke by Madgenius
Model visibility in JFduke by Hellbound
hangs at waiting when joining by wang-tan
Using extra GRP files online by TheKins
JFDuke3D crashes on Linux and LAN game problems with Win by josch1710
Procedural textures... by Skeksis
Cant see improved images by alx1880
re: by wang-tan
Best Shadow Warrior Player Around by dro
JonoF's situation by JonoF
Running JFDuke with a custom GRP, CON, and ART file by Caretaker
Anyone up for some Shadow Warrior, add me!! by mr_coffee
Map editor for Shadow Warrior by Maren
Flat sprites' appearance in polymost? by Mrhnhrm
ERROR: BUFFER TOO BIG TO FIT IN CACHE! error??? by The Commander
Loopback IP by YuGiOhJCJ
Powerslave / Exhumed by Genjuro Kibagami
Duke Nukem 3D: High Resolution Pack v 2005-11-01 released. by parkar
How to get DukesterX to run in HIGH REZ? by Mark
SDL by etko
Another dumb questions by etko
Mouse movement is choppy? by GitDat
Maps Problem inJFDuke3d-DukesterX by zum
how to view OLD demos? by zappyisfun
Original Secret Test Level for DUKE? by Mark
Not overhauled feature request: better swimming by etko
Joystick deadzone by ChaseFu
New and having problems by Warpspasm
inverting y axis for mouse look in JFDuke3D by necrocyde
Xfire JFDuke3D by Animegramma
Oggs from Mark McWane by n3tman
How can I play online? by Knx
Shadow Warrior Central - Robman by Robman
Shadow Warrior Central CHAT WINDOW by Robman
Sw Multiplay Bugs Nov/05 by Robman
Because I can... by JonoF
Shadow Warrior Map, TC, etc FTP Dump by Brandon
Shadow Warrior DOES NOT WORK peer-to-peer !!! by tomkorver
message for PROASM or others perhaps ... by Robman
Completely theoretical (and perhaps stupid) question... by Skeksis
multiplayer with router by Cheiz
SW gave me headhache by zerulian
Whats Shadow Warrior Needs ! by Robman
How to improve Jonof stability by matt
Shadow Warrior FullScreen by Karnizero
Fix for the flipped models (like the turrets) by parkar
missing game.con file? by Sid3_eFf3cT
SDL, Linux...and HRP by raw
JFSW hard crash need to reboot winxp by Spanator
Cant install the HRP light pack by Mr_Biggs
Need help with Gamepad / Joystick by ZepDad
Shadow Warrior Sound Help - Please! by Arbeebs
Very dark game with 32bit polymost by Annorax
sw.grp apparently not found in jfsw 20051009 by Old Sparky
Highres texture crash jfsw. by Old Sparky
Has there ever been such a great deathmatch level... by shinsplint
Duke Nukem 3D Caribbean Problems by BOOTP
Bugs with JFDuke (RE: Models) by SLi


using killaton collection grp files with jduke or eduke32 by mil3d!
how do I make mouselook like Quake3 or UnrealTournament? by jp001
duke3D help by Dwo Shwoom
HRP under mac os X by gosthrider
No sound on Windows XP by PsychoMessiah
Help on Duke it out in DC by Rap Dog
A good guide to build mapping? by Gibaholic
Duke3D port - 100% usage of processor by dezo
Jf online question. by Gibaholic
SW: Multiplayer Problem by cfette
Serious questions involving TC designing/source code by Lazureus
JFduke HRP - performs badly by Sporb
Merge JFDuke3D & JFSW? by Retodon8
JFBuild problem with SW by Maren
Failed resolving host by SurfRat
query: taking jcode into rcode by kevingpo
how to disable automatic weaponswitching / weapon changing by pantra
Strange Behaviour in WD by Maren
4 Feature Requests by Maren
QUERY: programming duke graphics help...woes :S by kevingpo
Textures by Isha
Masked walls and floor adjustments in Build 20051009 by Moduvator
OMG Duke Nukem 3D has been Ported to PSP Finaly! by The Commander
QUERY: setting up games... woes :S by kevingpo
Sound issues in latest JFDuke on WIN98SE by Zebes
Mouse aiminge the 3000'th by DigitalKeeper
ERROR: Failed to load TABLES.DAT! by fofoo
4 Feature requests (from a different player :p) by T.U.D
Shadow Warrior Crash/OnlineProblem by Lu Nukem
Female ninja crash by Lu Nukem
What do I need for playing in opengl? by stoner duke
Mapster32 Q.'s by The Commander
Editing con files does not change anything by stoner duke
Next release? by raw
Shadow warrior Wanton Destruction freeze by Lu Nukem
No Music at all (WinXP) by weater44
Any new ports? by Shindler
Minor bug (kill counter) by T.U.D
jfduke crashes when switching to 32bit mode by Stef
Internet games of shadow warrior? by boomshaka
gamepad question please by ffrlr
Using Custom Levels with Multiplayer WinDuke3D? by dtcostelloe
shadow warrior sky problem?? by seam
Eduke 32 by The Commander
Eduke32 patch for Linux by Wolverine
What about a new release? by aaBlueDragon
eduke doesnt save? keeps giving me corrupt save state error. by seam
Anyone out there good with con edits, I need your help, bad by mikenet2005
JFShadowwarrior by Stanton
Voxel Models by Devan
Voxel models problems by Devan
Voodoo 2 & Hi Res Pack Problems by Cable_Dawg
DN3D User levels? by SuperFudd
DUKE3D.GRP by 2drunk2shoot
JFSW on palm OS 5 by hawkeyefile
hrp pack problem by 2drunk2shoot
multiplay and dukebots by joncoop2006
skies by joncoop2006
Make Install by dIGIMURDER
mouse limiter? by dogthinker
JFMact for DOS? by Escorter
Duke it out in D.C. + Eduke32 by Escorter
No sound with Linux and EDuke32 1.4.0 Beta 1 by faust
plz help in compil by mean_person
JfBUILD/Dukle/SW software rendering by Escorter
Voxel models formats... by Devan
using poly2vox by Devan
JFSW bobbing problem by Escorter
Scaling the automap in the BUILD engine by Escorter
HRP patch for eDuke32 (linux) ! ! ! by dIGIMURDER
Fake 3D sprites by Escorter
Better Software polymost (dream) :))))))) by Devan
.desktop item not working, and well other stuff on linux by tuppe666
Impossible thing by Devan
FOV in eduke32 1.4.0 beta 1 by Devan
Can't access secret level in Duke DC by tuppe666
Cleaning up my shared area by tuppe666
Mapster32 1.0.5 sector bug by Escorter
Duke3D Usermaps and Music by TonicBH
Small fix request by Tijnemans
Question regarding the High resolution pack by Rollo
xduke doesnt work for me by Rollo
JF Duke.. Does it support cheats in multiplayer? by SteelWing
Failed to Load TABLES.DAT! by mrmofo44
GRP VIEWER by Ben Nukem
Bloom mod by SpaceFarm
HRP Linux and 16bit not happening jfduke by tuppe666
Multiplayer suggestions :) (Features suggestions) by Devan
does duke3d allow more than 2 people in coop? by SteelWing
Problem guys need help by N1warhead
No Highres Textures & Models by VIRUZ
JFSW problem by VIRUZ
Wanton Destruction with jfsw ? by Bl3ck1
Question From A New One! by Vil
Compil problem by YuGiOhJCJ
3 problems with JFduke3D by YuGiOhJCJ
Problem...Rotating Duke by Hotpot
Writing a log file by johnk
Switch for loading a config in JFDuke3D by Comreak
Compiling JFBuild Under Windows (MinGW / Msys) by Comreak
Messed up my user.con by Pliskin
Shadow Warrior - music from hard drive by ramday
Anyone Having These Problems with Duke Nuclear Winter? by rennervision
Duke Nukem 3D Sprites by Pliskin
little feature suggestion by Devan
Problem with MIDI music and Timidity by goliath
mp3,ogg. in jfsw by Devon_Rex
Let's collect Modpacks for duke by TylerDurden
Possible to install on linux with a powerpc cpu? (g4) by Scorpiove
SST for xduke? by sk8geek890
STT on JF duke by sk8geek890
Vacation Dukematch by Borderliner
Feature request by Maren
Linux Autopackage installer by Dune
PlayWang by Sgt.Phobos
Duke Nukem 3D to be ported to Atari Falcon 060 by psychorosti
whats with the anti-cheat for duke3d? by SteelWing
Duke Nukem The Gate problems by Borderliner
HRP: color of pants in dukematch by dezo
A man who can kick with both feet at the same time by Animegramma
Demo recording in jfsw by Joca64
jfSW swcustom.txt question by Scott Viger
Is it possible to task switch with JDuke? by Rekrul
duke nukem 3d by cypher
LameDuke X JFDuke by SWFan
No Duke Voice by Sniper
JDuke: Minor graphical issue with doors in E2M8 by Rekrul
Can you change the CD drive letter jfSW plays music from? by The-Ice-Man
Cut-scene question... by Duck-and-Cover
JfBuild in GNU/Linux - creating slopes by Eye del Cul
New Icons by Hendricks 266
So, when will shaders be supported? by yuriks
re mapping keys in Duke by J.J.
Getting sonud to work in JShadow Warrior by darkflamewolf
Problem making a sector within a sector (island) in build. by JohnnyDMonic
I have some troubles with JFDuke3d under Linux by nonocake
Development (multiple RTS): sending a string to other users to process it & bugs by ivanrolim
no music in jfsw by kooltore
duke dos help. by hawkeyefile
Make Duke Harder? by chainsquaw
sw multiplayer questions by deif
Linux file permissions to get in-game? by Red_Icculus


Free duke3d by kooltore
Duke Nukem 64 Engine by zum
SW enabling Opengl? by grym
jfbuild_src_20051009 and linux by taurnil
SWP and PlayWang discussion by Maren
Havin a bit of troble. by The_Devil_Hunter
Am I supposed to be able to shrink Battlelords? by Rekrul
multiplayer and Duke Nukem 3D by awesum
No crosshair in Duke it out in DC? by Rekrul
Duke version update? by skull
can I add mp3s to JFDuke? by extentofmysin
Need Help w/ PlayWang by Cessler
Shadow Warrior JF Build xp sound issue by digital-id
New to JonoF by Necronomicon
Sounds on Windows Vista by BAKO
xDuke and xShadow by Marscaleb
How do I convert .BMP/.ART to .VOX/.KVX? by marco75
Modding the game from the code by Marscaleb
JFSW crash/freeze problem by filipetolhuizen
Config for JFShadowWarrior (adjustments of the mouse) by Freek
Alt Gr key under Linux by nonocake
Need serious help with sw hrp by Robokiller83
Maphack Functions by Hendricks 266
shadow warrior, build, (minus key bug) by lo-wang
shadow warrior - sector object/floor texture panning by lo-wang
please, help with strange problem.. by Bran_McNobre
Multiplayer community? by ChaseFu
JFShadow Warrior- Music? by fireboy224
Question? by fireboy224
Build engine in a DLL/so file by Ñuño Martínez
User Maps in Multiplayer JDuke3D? by Draugr
Help by fireboy224
Atomic CD question by ProAsm
SW won't load from playwang.exe... by Darin
Duke 3D error? by Insanity
Duke3D Multiplayer issues? by Insanity
The mouselook by fumbler
Blood Port by math
Possible Mac OS Port? by superorc
How to change Z? by coel
error while build sources at PPC G4 @ Mac OS X by p0n4ik
What happened here? by Maren
FPS Ports website by moroz1999


Question? by fireboy224
Console Ports! by Speewave
Am I Just Retarded? by MichaelG2K
Fullbright colors? by leileilol
Still working on it? by Gargos
Any way to get the music for the .GRP Duke 3D? by Flash1087
Thanx by LucasJodokast
General info regarding status of JFSW by FlipWillie
Redone music by Volusianus
info needed about sfx files by memsys
Shadow Warrior Multiplayer Problem by mikemodanoxxx
TILES000.ART by codered
Win9x by leileilol
"Software fog lighting" by Maren
Duke match by peewee_RotA
Error launching Duke3d - "Failed Loading Art" by Knautilus
No Sound in JFDuke3D by Valkrys
DUKE 3D by genn2
swplus by Simeon_H
Failed to load TABLES.DAT by Kazuki


Latest build app contains virus by DN3DF
Shadow Warrior TC and ProAsm by zioburosky13
SW/Duke multiplayer scene by ChaseFu
Taking screenshots. by Edelman
interface 2D with 3D by baldaquin
Yet another netplay guider (YANG) by ny00123
JFBuild in Code::Blocks!!! Serious HELP by Stroggos
Hooray for SWP! by SuperFudd
BUILD: Limited to x86? by Speewave
JFBuild MinGW by Stroggos


Anyone want to play Shadow Warrior? by brandolee
Cracking Sound In JFDuke3D [Windows 7] by FM33
Recorded Demo File Format by andwan0
Build game ports hang with nvidia drivers by filipetolhuizen
How to compile jfsw? I Never compiled before. by Mr.Wang


Jono'F Game Data Installer Source Code by Duke_Nukem_x86